PCOS/PCOD Treatment
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovary disease (PCOD) are the most
common hormonal disorders affecting women today. This may lead to changes in the menstrual
cycle, cysts in the ovaries, trouble getting pregnant and other health problems.
Your doctor will perform a physical exam. This will include a pelvic exam. The exam may show:
Swollen ovaries
Swollen clitoris (very rare)
Blood tests can be done to check hormone levels. These tests may include:
Estrogen level
FSH level
LH level
Male hormone (testosterone) level
The other blood tests that may be done include:
Fasting glucose (blood sugar) and other tests for glucose intolerance and insulin
Lipid level
Pregnancy test (serum HCG)
Prolactin level
Thyroid function tests
Your doctor may also order the following imaging test or surgeries to look at your ovaries:
Vaginal ultrasound
Pelvic laparoscopy
Weight gain and obesity are common in women with PCOS. Losing weight, even a small amount
of weight, can help treat the hormone changes and health conditions such as diabetes, high blood
pressure, or high cholesterol. The medicines work better if your body mass index (BMI) is 30 or
less (below the obese range).
Your doctor may recommend birth control pills to make your periods more regular. These
medicines may also help reduce abnormal hair growth and acne after you take them for several
months. These birth control pills help in:
Correcting the hormonal imbalance
Correcting the hormonal imbalance
Regulating your menstrual periods
Lowering the risk of endometrial cancer (which is slightly higher in young women who
don’t ovulate regularly)
Preventing an unplanned pregnancy (if you are sexually active)
Improving your androgen-related acne problems, male-type hair growth, and male-
pattern hair loss.
A diabetes medicine called Glucophage (metformin) may also be recommended to:
Make your periods regular
Help you lose weight
Infertility Medications
For PCOD patients suffering from infertility, Clomiphene citrate are the first line of medication
used for ovulation stimulation. This might not be helpful in PCOD patients with persistent high
LH levels. Due to the connection between PCOS and insulin resistance, some patients might
need to take LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) analogs along with Clomiphene citrate to increase
insulin sensitivity.
Surgery plays a minimal role in PCOD patients. A pelvic laparoscopy may be done to remove or
alter an ovary to treat infertility. The effects are temporary.